Friday, May 15, 2009

Santa Cruz Warhammer Game Night

Well to do it proper justice it was more a painting and assembly night but for simplicity game night works. So I just got back from hanging out with the guys over at Santa Cruz Warhammer (aka Mike and John & Chris) and it was a fun and productive evening, there where drinks, there was paint and there where bathroom tiles o plenty for painting on. All in all it was a fun yet mellow evening with the guys, hanging out and painting and chatting about the evils of the GW marketing dept and what delightful forgeworld kits Mike had brought over (damn you and your affording nice things) storeys where shared, bitz where traded and techniques where revealed and there was the brief boasting (though mostly by me) of Valkyries. I would like to thank John and Mike personally for inviting me over and hope to see you guys again in future, it was a great chance to meet and talk with some of the other bay warhammer bloggers (we are the only two that we know of) so it was a great meeting of the minds on all sides and I wish Mike the best in finding a color scheme for his new guard, and Chris (I dont want to butcher the spelling) it was nice meeting you. Now if that seemed personal think about this, they live 20 minutes away from me, so least I can do is give a shout out blog wise. So if you haven't checked out the SC Warhammer blog I highly recommend stopping by the see the latest projects and tips from the boys over the hill.

In one final note before I unleash the pictures, tomorrow is my 21st birthday, so in about an hour I will pour my first legal drink, settle in to me couch, and watch my boot leg copy of "The A Team" season one and eventually fall asleep and then wake up and finish up my painting projects from tonight.

Pictured: Me(in Green and needing a haircut) Chris and John (Mike is hidden)


BH Senior Editor


  1. Excellent work on the Valkyrie. I like the look of your group painting sessions too. My infrequent painting is confined to the corner of my room with a telly for company.

    Nice blog, I'll be back,
    my WHFB blog

  2. Thanks, I just happened to bump in the Guys over at SC Warhammer through FTW, and as it so happend John was organizeing the game night, but yea I am in the same situation, small work station off in the corner of my office.


