Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The New Stuff

Alright so I have now worked the blog and I apologise for the delay. For the last few weeks the posting has been sporadic and mostly centered on myself, no longer will this be the case after this post. I started the blog with the community in mind and not just myself, and although I may be the only writing editor at the moment (we are getting more on board) this blog is supposed to be about 40k and warhammer in the bay area in general not just me.

Alright to get down to it for the time being the posting will be some what based on my projects and info however everything will be categorized and some sort of general helpful information will be included in every post. Ok I will provide a sample of the template for future posts in this entry with a short description for each section. I originally intended for the blog to be more like a webzine so that's what I am going to move towards.

News Local/National:
here's where any news I have found will go, if I do not have any news of my own I will post article links and my own take on the information provided.

Events and Places:
This is where any big or special events will be posted, game nights at legends will not be listed here, they will be posted on the calender of events which is linked at the top of the page.

On the work bench:
This is where any pics and blurbs about a contributors current projects will be posted, along with any other projects 40k or other wise.

A helping hand:
this is where any advice or tutorials will be listed including links to helpful posts outside BH.

Tip of the Day:
pretty self explanatory.

New In Box:
This is where the editor will post his latest acquisitions or trades (they can be out of box as well)

A Word From our Sponsors:
This space is for anything our sponsors would like to say or announce.

Collectors Corner:
cool stuff that's not always Warhammer or 40k.

Well that's about it, now bear in mind that not all of these things will be in every post, just as needed, so it will have a more editorial feel with out seeming to rigid and straight lace, remember I am in the trenches with the rest of you out there I leave the major stuff up to the guys over at BoLs (and honestly why would you need two sources for warhammer news) I hope you all agree with this new style and direction of the blog and I hope to help keep all you readers out there happy.

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