Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year: 2010 a year of progress

The magic hour draws nearer and the guys all wanted to get one last post in before the ball drops. Rather then run through everything we are just going to to a quick recap of everything that made 2010 a great year for 40k and Fantasy. First off the updates, not just Dark Eldar, Space Wolves, Blood Angels and not to mention the slew of new kits to go with them. In 2010 we saw two dead armies be reborn (BA and DE) and got a ton of new all plastic kits to go with them. Its been a year of progress, with new codices and new kits the community had its fill of new material and new possibility's. There where also the new modules for Battle Missions and Spearhead. And then of course there was the sensational release of Fantasy 8th edition and the waves of new skaven (including the awesome island of blood set)

But not all was good. we saw price increases and scandal (well at least in the Oakridge store) With no official word on weather 2011 will see another price increase or not a lot of gamers are growing weary of the constant price fluctuations, who knows what the new year may hold for us.

For the most part how ever the community has never been stronger. With fresh faces and new talent being brought into the fold and new blogs and webcasts starting up all over 2010 has been one of the best years for growth in terms of the net community.

But the web community is not the only place we have seen growth. Our own gaming group over at Legends Games has exploded, from a couple of us meeting on the weekends and wailing on each other has grown to well over thirty people with a core of about ten regulars. We also started our increasingly popular play for paint tournament series over at the shop. With regular events and games we have seen our small group of gamers grow into a small community.

As for the store we have gone from this
To this...

We also saw the holidays go off with a bang, with Legends first annual "Seasons Beatings" tournament. Seven of the stores top generals and Seer's battled it out for the top spot.

This year also saw my transformation from a relatively casual hobbies into a "professional Painter" I went from the occasional unit to having a full workload with waiting list. D has yet to let me live down the shame of turning into the one thing I love to hate on the inter webs (mostly eBay) Which brings me to the post I should have made a few days ago, but thanks to a blizzard and several shipping delays I couldn't do so until tonight.

Yes tonight I finally got a light box, nothing fancy, but the best part is its compact and stows away easily. So expect more (hopefully decent) photos of future projects. Also I just had to break this thing in (and considering how bad my last botched light tent attempts)

Well that's about it, so tonight raise a glass to the emperor or the ruinous powers and drink deep, but have a toast for all of us to, from the guys down in the trenches to the Fly Lords of Terra. From all of us at Bay Hammer have a happy new years.


BH Senior Editor

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays

Well its that night of oh so special nights once more, with several drinks behind me and a groggy morning of family and merriment ahead of me I would like to say on behalf of myself and the whole crew over here at Bay Hammer. Have a happy holiday (which ever yours may be) and good new year, filled with brutal battles and plenty of plastic crack and friends and fun.


BH Senior Editor

Monday, December 6, 2010

On The Painting Table: Dark Eldar Warrior

So weeks after the storms died down over Dark Eldar (of which I shamelessly got caught up in and bought out a few box sets) I finally got to sit down and start painting the little buggers. I will start by stating that I did in all honesty attempt to go all out with the highlight out of the box style that most people seem to be going with, after that came out looking horrid I moved on and went for the more deep blended look you see here. I still have a long way to go on this project but at least I have a theme laid down.

The flash doesn't really show the actual shading, the purple really comes out under direct light, otherwise the piece looks almost black with a deep tinge of purple which I feel adds a suitable heir of menace about them.


BH Senior Editor

Sunday, December 5, 2010

On The Painting Table: Tau Crisis Suit Commander

The holidays are a time for merriment, warm chocolaty drinks and dragging the corpse of a recently eviscerated Douglas fir into your living room to adorn with shiny balls. It also happens to be that time of year when my wallet shrinks, so to off set this I have taken on a few small commissions. The first of which is this piece of canned sushi, I painted this guy up using my thirty minute mini technique (soon to be on dvd) For about an hours worth of work I think he came out alright. I started with a liberal brushing of lyenden Darksun followed by a good dry brushing of tausept ochre and Boltgun metal for the details. Ill do some touch up on him later today.


BH Senior Editor

Saturday, December 4, 2010

GW Glue: The sillines continues

So the other day the shop received its weekly order and while rummaging around the latest shipment of plastic crack I happened to notice something a bit odd. GW appears to have changed the plastic glue bottle to the old super glue bottle, why they did this is beyond me as the previous bottle already had problems with clogging so anything with a narrower tip just screams wasted minutes spent with a tac nail trying to de gunk the damn thing. The reason I bring this up is because Jawaballs posted a rather decent blurt about GW glues, I myself use them mostly because I just seem to acquire them while working on projects or commissions but I have to say that I do not care for them or the price. I have not tried the new bottle out but one might assume that the new bottle and narrow aperture may mean they thinned down the mix to be less like 4 day old hair gel. What do you think about the numerous design changes GW has gone through with there hobby supplies this year?


BH Senior Editor

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bowing out: A lesson in losing

As D pointed out to me the other day its been a while since I have managed to get a post up, and rather then bore you with a quick snapshot of my DE army in progress I thought I would post something more meaningful.

Today I would like to talk about surrendering gracefully. Now some will say "why not just play through and take the loss" well there are a couple of reasons you might want to simply opt out, the biggest one being time, if you simply cant finish by the time you expected to leave it can be appropriate to bow out and call it a game, but do make sure that you do not do this to your advantage. What I mean by that is call the game a loss or a draw depending on the situation. Another reason you may wish to end a game early is a well analyzed evaluation of your options, in some situations you can see weather or not it is worth it for you to stick it out or call it a day and pack up early. I particularly like this option as it gives you time to pack up and talk about the game and go over what went wrong in your strategy, or simply go and grab lunch or drinks. A good example of this was when I played D at 2000 points the other day. The first half of the game went rather well for me, but by turn four out of the two objectives he had one and was contesting the other by placing several squads of guardians in waveserpants around my poor lone chimera and the squad of ten farseers on jetbikes did not bode well. True I did have two tanks still fully operational but at that point there could be little done tactically to change the outcome of the battle. There is not always a way to cheat death my friends, and so sometimes it is necessary to embrace it then get a sandwich.

The third and most disliked option is simply the "I don't really feel like playing anymore" If it comes to this there should be a decent reason behind it other then getting your rear entrance kicked in. Illness and stress (I am talking real stress) death of a pet or loved one. Let us be honest though, if any of those are affecting you then you should not be playing that day in the first place, but should it come to that simply state that you do not wish to continue due to what ever it is that is actually inhibiting your game play. If your opponent is a sportsman then it would be proper to arrange another match when you are in better condition.

That being said I am sure there are many ways to bow out of a game but the point of this article is that no matter why or how you do it, be sure to be sure to show respect and do so in a way that will not offend. The point of casual games is to have fun and work on strategy or throw down with friends. So the next time you feel the need to drop out remember to be a good sport about it and try not to ruin the experience for yourself or your opponent.


BH Senior Editor

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Tyranids OH MY!

Hello there, Ian back from I don't remember when I made a post last, I haven't really been making any posts lately because I've been busy with school, working on my Tyranids, Ill be getting a photo of that mainly the Tervigons, and some awesome bikers, they are slowly coming along, ill get a photo of that as well up at some point. But my next biggest project is making a Tyrannofex, that's going to be fun.

In spirit of Halloween, I am holding a mini campaign on both Friday and Saturday, competitors, are allowed one HQ unit up to 200 points, and no retinues are allowed. The opposing force and game parameters will be revealed that day. There will be multiple games and some prize support, sign ups will be mandatory before each game and 3 players per round, all rules will be explained at the store. There is also boards for free play while waiting or if you would like to just get in some pick up games. Other than that Happy wargaming and see you tomorrow if you make it!

Just a quick reminder that this event will be held at Legends Comics and Games in Cupertino. There is no entry fee and all GW products are 10% off, and you can still get 15% off all new Dark Eldar sets by advance ordering until November 1st

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Project: Relictors

Its been awhile since I got one of my project posts up. I started out with the idea of doing up a whole battle company, unfortunately work, painting commissions and life kept me from getting anything substantial done with these. Ian helped me out by doing the basing so all in all they came out looking ok, I spent about a month getting the force built up and painted, I will probably use them as a secondary tournament list after I add another squad and a few more vehicles. Whats not pictured is the squad of sniper scouts and an assault squad I have yet to base.

I like how the terminators turned out, this was the first time I used a new technique for energy weapons, they are actualy a little less vivid in real life, I had edit a tad the color saturation (its hard to make a bounce flash out of a box covered in tinfoil and a single slave flash.


BH Senior Editor.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Neighborhood Watch

A few days ago Big Jim over at Galaxy in Flames had his Soul reaper chaos army stolen from his van while out to lunch. While there can be little done in this situation we as a community do have a massive tool at our disposal, collective awareness, those who follow Jims blog and no doubt most of the 40k/fantasy blog community is now aware that this army is out there. What can you do, well first off check Ebay regularly, also make sure to check for mis-tagged or posted listings, odds are that the thief just grabbed the easiest thing he could and doesn't actually know much about the hobby (but don't rule that out) The second thing you can do is regularly check craigslist for ads in the area, be suspicious of army's for sale with no pictures, ask if they could provide some (be very careful though if you choose to meet the lister, this person could be armed or unstable or both) The other thing you can do is keep your eyes peeled at events and tournaments. Often stolen army's will be sold under the table in much the same manner that stolen art is sold or fenced.

On a closing note I would like to say we are sorry for your loss Jim and that we will be on the lookout for any signs of the Reapers.

I would also like to add a note for all of us. I know its easy to leave a bag or case in the car or on a table at the shop. If your keeping your army carrier in your car try to obscure it, or put it in the trunk if you have one. With vans and hatchbacks its harder but sometimes just a wire bike tether locked and looped through a door handle can deter a smash and grab. Thieves target easy to grab items like bags and electronics, so if you make it harder to walk off with the better chances you have of not loosing the item.
BH Senior Editor

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eldar Craftworld Ulthwe 23000 points worth

Here it is, the big show. D has been slaving away for the past six months on what is possibly one of the most impressive Eldar craftworld collections I have ever seen. Now I know there are probably a few people out there that say "mines bigger" D has extended an open challenge to anyone who wishes to throw down (with a cash prize to be determined) But in the mean time we hope you get some enjoyment out of this post. They may not be that outdated but Eldar don't get as much love as they used to in past so we love to see new eldar players come in and enjoy the collection which rotates out every week in the front cases, anyways I am dragging this out, enjoy some detail shots after the jump.

The scary thing is that the collection is still expanding with each passing month. Below are some pics of D's work in progress projects.


Scott (Posting for D)
BH Senior Editor

Friday, October 15, 2010

Something something this way comith

That's right, after the weeks of dead space this Sunday we are going to unveil something big, something mind bending huge. Also we are going to be back on for regular weekly posting. So if your the slightest bit curious (we know you are) check the blog this coming Sunday afternoon. Here's a hint, its something in direct response to a recent wargames gallery post.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Game Nights and Good deeds

First off I would like to direct you over to Dave Taylors site. As many of you already know two of his close friends are going through some rough times and he has selflessly started up a charity/auction, offering up a wonderfully crafted Adeptus Custodes army. Time and time again Dave has shown the community his incredible work and shared his tricks of the trade with us, so if you can, give a little to help out a lot.

Next up I would again like to tip my hat to another blog. This one goes out to Mike and John over at SC Warhammer, congratulations on your awesome game night (sadly I could not attend) That being said I would also like to report that BH's own game nights over at Legends comics and games in Cupertino have been becoming increasingly popular. This weekend wraps up the first leg of the on going 'Battle for Het' campaign. With over eight or so players whittled down to the top three its been a long fight for the top spot. If you want to get in on the action come by Fridays and Saturdays from 12-6pm every weekend.

In related news, our host Legends Comics and games took home the title of "Best in the Bay best comic book store" in the San Jose Metros best of the bay. And while the award is for best comic book store we know that a fair few of the votes also mentioned the game side, so from Legends to Bay Area readers and customers thank you.


BH Senior Editor

Monday, September 20, 2010

The battle for Het begins...

This weekend all manner of war and destruction was let loose when Legends Games in Cupertino CA kicked off the first round of games in its new "Battle for Het" campaign tournament. It was a full house with standing room only as players from all over the Bay Area duked it out to claim first blood in bout one of the CTF tournament. We saw a lot of SM/IG lists but I spied a few Xenos in the mix as well. While this may not be the biggest game on the block it certainly marks a turning point in our development, as the series is a co opted by BH's own brother Ian.

So if your looking to work on your small game (lists limited to0 750pts and there's no entry fee) or just have fun, feel free to drop in on Friday or Saturday morning and sign up. Drop ins are always welcome (its a cumulative point system) and we are always looking to help new or returning players get back into the hobby. Both myself and Ian will be on hand to answer questions or offer help with getting set up if need be. If you have any questions or want to sign up for a game in advance email us at



BH Senior Editor


I mentioned last week that we have been very busy with other projects, well this is one of them. Look out for more BH/Legends events and gatherings in the near future.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

GW Store closing: The resolution.

Alright so awhile back I brought you a shocking tail of poor management and dramatic exits. Now I bring you the actual series of events that led to the firing of the entire sales team and the store closing.

From what I have managed to piece together the story goes somthing like this. The manager at the oakridge store had for some time been embezeling money in the form of petty cash and merchendise (yea stealing space marines to line his pockets) and the final total of his devious gains ammounted to some where around $15,000. So loss prevention flanked by the spooks from corporate (actually flew in from England) came in and presumably took the store manager in the back room and bolter whipped him tell he confessed and then went about firing the whole sales team as corporate tradition dictates in this situation.

Well there you have it, not as dramatic as a mass walk out but still shocking non the less. The moral of the story, dont line your pockets with misfortune and lies, or dont friggin bite the hand the feeds you.


BH Senior Editor

I know we have not been posting much but there is a few reasons for that, but shhh, secret projects are being worked on for the new Bay Hammer for 2011 (as you can see by the constant changing of the site) but its more then that, much more...matching t-shirts more.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Apocalypse Video

Well I have been rather busy slaving away both at the store and on various other projects that are currently sucking away my free time. So for now I give you a brief compilation of some of the battles we have had over at Legends in Cupertino, shot by the talented Mr Aron, who up to this point did not inform me of the videos existence. Look out for more battle reps in the near future


BH Senior Editor

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Local GW store suddenly closes doors.

Mystery and intrigue surrounds the sudden closing of one of the Bay Areas central GW outlets in Oakridge mall in San Jose California. Details remain sketchy as to why the store was closed without any sort of notice or warning but some rumors have surfaced to explain the sudden closer.

The leading story tells of a mass exodus of presumably unhappy employees who up and quit with no advance notice, leaving only two other employees in charge of the store who soon after also quit, this is of course only a rumor and the true story remains to be heard but we will attempt to get to the bottom of this.

Should there be any validity to this story one is left with many disturbing questions as to what could have lead to this rather drastic and dramatic conclusion, where the work conditions unbearable? Was it perhaps some sort of outward pressure from corporate overlords? Maybe even a hostile work environs. Alright so maybe we are sensationalizing things a tad, but you have to ask yourself, what could cause an entire staff to quit a paying job in a state with one of the highest unemployment levels in the country and on the tail end of one of the worst recessions in US history. Only questions remain, questions we may never answer but in the mean time a GW store sits empty, gates drawn and a community of gamers both new and old displaced indefinitely.

BH Senior Editor

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Relictors Drop Pod WiP

Life has been keeping me plenty bust over the last few weeks, so my me time has been at a minimum. But I have still managed to pick away at the mountain that is my Relictors battle company. below is one of the three drop pods that I will be loading up with assualt marines and one dred (if this is a stupid idea please let me know) Other parts of the project include 50 infantry units and around 15-20 terminators and that's fust what I have on the work bench.

I still have to bash the whole thing together after the gloss dries, also I would like to thank Siph over at WeeMen for provideing me with a fair ammount of referance pictures for Relictors painting styles.


BH Senior Editor

Friday, August 13, 2010

Undercoat Black: The straight dope

I was reading the comments on warseer about the new GW paint sets, and I noticed a trend in the comments, the amount of confusion over what exactly undercoat black is. Alright so let me start off with a little factoid that most people are not aware of, in the past and including the last paint set GW did not actually include chaos black, the black in the old paint set was actually a much thinner brush on primer. Ok so keeping that in mind, undercoat black is actually that brush on primer in a new bottle, it is not chaos black, the actual chaos black paint is a thicker mix and has a bit of a gloss finish, undercoat black is a thinner black matte paint. And indeed if you look on some of the older model boxes it shows the diagram of how to brush on the primer layer.

Well I hope that clears everything up.

BH Senior Editor.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

WFB Island of Blood Unboxing Video

Bay Hammer Exclusive.
GW really takes the mystery out of upcoming releases with their advanced order page, but all the same I still felt it necessary to share this. Through my various contacts we managed to get our hands on an advance store copy of the box set and I being the progressive type that I am decided to do this un boxing on video. Mind my ineptitude with some of the unit names.


BH Senior Editor

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

SM Flavor of the month: Relictors

So I was browsing about the net looking for some interesting ideas for my third set of AoBR marines and happened to stumble upon a site based on the obscure and loosely official Relictors Space Marine chapter. After reading a bit more on the background and picking up the unofficial army list I was hooked, a phone call and a short meet up later and I managed to secure almost a full companies worth of mixed marines and other vehicles that I soon plan to add to full project (I plan to make a full battle company) But alas my plans where soon shoved off to the side when I managed to pick up a slight summer cold that has had me living on my couch for the last few days.

So here are a few marines and a terminator. I am brining in a termie librarian next week to make up my HQ choice for my actual list and another Land Raider for my assault marines. So as always questions and comments always welcome.


BH Senior Editor.

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Forge World piece: Ok things are just getting silly

So if you havent checked out the latest forge world newsletter you wont have noticed the new piece of kit pseudo storm raven like drop ship that they are supposedly releasing soon. Ill be honest, I like the stats, but the model looks like GW was trying to release a space marine piece that looked like something out of Homeworld 2 (or possibly a popular movie franchise which cant be mentioned without the concsent of George Lucas) Its not a bad model but lets be honest, this thing looks a trifle bit out of place in the grim and blocky universe that is Warhammer 40k. questions comments and hate mail all gladly accepted.



BH Senior Editor


due to some problems at the shop the regular BH radio show will not be airing.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rough coat coming back?

So I was perusing the latest GW North American Trade Catalog when what do I spot listed in with the GW sprays "Rough Coat" at $17.00. Now as we all know this spray was discontinued without reason or notice about two years ago, a shame since it was such a course even coat in comparison to off the shelf sprays. But that aside its re appearance has sparked a bit of interest around the Bay Hammer office (we actually have one now) so rest assured we will be getting to the bottom of this. If anyone else has any info on this feel free to email us.

This listing also comes on the heels of GW's major paint overhaul, which may soon see the removal of all bundled paint box sets if the rumblings from GW's inner circle prove true. Could we be looking at a much more conservative Games Workshop in the coming years? Let us examine the facts. First GW pulls almost all blister sales from retailers and then move a big chunk of their metal sets into the collectors range, then they reduce the amount of product per box, in some cases as much as 50%. Then of course we have the price hikes followed by the massive wave of layoffs at their retail stores and the closing of a fair amount of those stores. With smaller companies trying to take a piece of the greater war gaming pie and a economy in limbo, we may very well see the giant stumble in the next few years.


BH Senior Editor

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brawl In The Hall: Battle Report.

So Sundays game came and went and the mood over all was good. But shocker of shockers the game ended in a draw, so stay tuned for next weeks installment covering the sudden death bout to finish the tourney. Moving right along with the here and now, the game lasted well into the evening (we started at 12pm and ended around 8pm) and we saw a few changes in the roster due to a last minute withdraw by Heavy D. So I became a judge and D and his Eldar allied with with new comer Derek and his Blood Angels while Dan and Mike played there combined Imperial list. The lines where drawn and the Titans prepped, so here is the mostly complete account of what went down.

Turn one see's a stunted deployment of armor (mostly Dan's and turn one for the most part didn't happen) A battery of basilisks and a stormlord and Baneblade make for some menacing if not vulnerable targets for D's Phantoms. The guard make a play to lock out an objective early on and provide a minor threat towards the towering Eldar war machines by deploying a harasser squad of scout sentinels with auto cannons right on the Eldars doorstep forcing them to prioritize there targets rather then target the larger more valuable armor and Basilisk formation. The guard made a effort to blast away a structure point or two from the Eldars titans but to no avail. Now you may notice a growing line of guardians snaking along The Eldar deployment zone, this was actually part of a clever play devised by D to thwart any pesky out flanking maneuvers on his side of the board and as far as I know it worked. The top of turn two finds the Eldar making a good show of scrapping the guards forward armored push by almost immediately scrapping Dan's stormlord (which for some reason he left completely empty) and blasting apart a handful of sentinels. The remaining IG forces are forced back out of no mans land and the area becomes a neutral zone yet again.

Here we see the bottom of turn two, Dan un swayed by the loss of his sentinels pushes forward into no mans land yet again with his Demolisher's. But the real show stopper this turn was the massed artillery barrage that almost completely crippled one of the Phantoms leaving it immobile with only one functioning weapon and one less structure point.

The top of turn three and the Blood Angels make their move deploying deep into the guards rear lines, deep striking a dreadnought and land raider almost right on top of the guard. The BA are not able to scrap any guard armor but they remain a menacing threat against the guard well into the next turn, in the same turn the Blood Angels deploy Dante with a full compliment of Sanguinary guard into the objective point in no mans land effectively tipping the balance into the Eldars favor. The biggest hit from the Eldar came as expected from the titans as the phantoms opened up on the Reaver shredding it down to one structure point but otherwise leaving it operational. Turn three ends with the Eldar and Blood Angels taking the lead, holding both objective points in no mans land.

Above we see the Sanguinary guard holding the central objective point while the BA termies deep strike using the locator beacon in the dreds drop pod to strike deep at the guards rear flank.

The bottom of turn three and the Guard are in full deployment bringing everything out of strategic reserve and making a rather good show of it as well. here we see the massed ranks of armor preparing for their forward push. Right now I myself was enjoying wing stop so you'll forgive me if the details are a bit sparse on the first wave of attacks. Starting in short order the guard opened up with the Baneblade crippling the Phantom further and taking off a few structure points for their trouble, then the Reaver and shadow sword unleashed a fusillade further damaging the phantom leaving it for all intensive purposes dead in place. This turn the terminators would also suffer the wrath of the Guards guns suffering the loss of near half there force and the destruction of the Land Raider and Dreadnought. The guard also make a push to secure their own objective points, but fall just short. Turn three ends with the Eldar and BA still in the lead holding both Objectives.

The Eldar sweep the remaining Imperial forces from no mans land and leave the reaver a ticking time bomb on the Imperials side while shredding a few structure points from the guards super heavies and leaving the baneblades main gun destroyed. The bottom of turn four and the guard manage to seize an objective, though still lagging behind they manage to level out the score slightly. In the top of turn four the Blood Angels termies made an attempt to engage the guards Basilisks sitting at the rear but due to some bad rolls they only managed to scratch the paint a bit.

Above we see Dan just after deploying his strategic asset, re deploying the now unstable Reaver right at the Eldars feet, unable to move or shoot but offering the menacing prospect of an apocalyptic explosion should the final blow be a powerful one. After re deploying the Reaver the Guard resume bombarding the one already crippled Phantom, this time the graceful giant was destroyed and removed from play. Meanwhile the formation of Valkyrie drop ships speed towards the center objective in a desperate bid to contest the most valuable bit of property in the game. Turn 4 ends with the guard having removed one of the titans and moving to take a second objective, effectively tieing the game.

Turn Five See's the Valkyrie formation hammered by D cannons and blown apart leaving the storm troopers inside out in the open a mere stones throw from the objective (freshman Tom assists with the game after Dan had to duck out) The Eldar also land a misplaced shot on one of the guards buildings, the D strength blast destroys the building entirely and its occupants dropping the Guard back into second place. The Reaver still stands as the Eldar side did not wish to risk a meltdown.

So this is where my side of the story comes to an end, the bottom of turn 5 and the guard roll out in a desperate push for supremacy doing there best to turn the tide (though to be honest the guard seemed to be making up a fair bit of the tide already) The center objective is blasted out of existence by a well placed Shadowsword blast over the Sanguinary guard, removing both Dante and the rest of his squad along with the building. The Reaver is now fully mobile and unleashes a hail of fire on the warlock stripping away two structure points and a shoulder weapon. At this point the Eldar are in the lead holding one of the two remaining objectives. Turn six rolls around and the Warlock destroys the Reaver, but in the process causes a reactor meltdown that causes both the eldar guardians and the building they where holding to be blasted out of existence, this effectively tied the game since neither side had any troops with in range of an objective.

So next Sunday the game resumes, with new terrain configuration and new lists to decide who will be entered into the hall of Legends (other wise known as the cool little plaque I am going to have made) So stay tuned this week, both for Bay Hammer Radio and to see who will win.

I would like to thank Legends Comics And Games in Cupertino for hosting this event, and all those who worked to make this happen, but above all I would like to thank the players, without you guys this never would have happend.

Also Congrats to the winners of the Stormwardens charity Raffle, and a special salute to everyone involved with the project.


BH Senior Editor

Friday, July 23, 2010

Getting ready for a "Brawl"

That's right, the 25th is but two days away and everyone over at Legends has been prepping their armies and the game space (as you can see above) for what promises to be one of the largest sponsored games in the Bay Area this year. While not as large as originally intended (we had a few drop outs) The point totals still top out around 40k pts over all, but the object of the event wasn't so much size as it was celebration. Brawl in The Hall was started as a joint effort between myself and Legends Comics and games in an effort to kick off the official tournament series at Legends (which will be coming this Fall) A massive game to celebrate getting to the point where the store was ready to start hosting regular events.

So here is the roster:

We have D headlining with his craftworld Ulthwe army coming in at well over 10k pts by itself (titans and all)

We have the Imperial guard being split by long time friends of the Shop Dan and Mike, who will also be fielding the reaver. They come in just at the 10k mark combined and will be playing as a team.

Then there is Heavy D who will be allying his Crons with Blood Angels, they will also be playing as a team.

Ok so now the good part, the winner will receive $60 Cash or credit from Legends Comics and Games in Cupertino, and their name in the hall of hero's (soon to be made) And I may or may not be live casting for part of the event so Ill post an update on that the day of.

So if you want to see a knock down drag out fight between imperium and Eldar come on down to Legends this Sunday, or better yet come and compete, the deadline for general entries is closed but you can still register at the door for $15. Your army must be painted in at least three shades and equal no more then 10k pts either alone or as part of a team.

As a side note don't forget to tune into Jawaa Balls live this Sunday to find out who won the storm wardens army, thats going to be a cant miss event as well.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Seeing Double at GW

Ok so this could be a number of things, could be incompetence, could be a sign of new products to come that have not yet been properly listed. But as of this morning the GW America site had several of their 40k game books double listed, among these where Dark Eldar and Necrons, could this be a sign that these books will soon be pulled to make way for the updated versions? possibly not but interesting all the same.

if they have not yet fixed it see the double listings here



Friday, July 16, 2010

Bay Hammer Radio: Live tonight

Hello all, just reminding everyone that BH radio will be broadcasting tonight at 5PM PST, as per usual we will be broadcasting the live show over ustream, see the link below to the show page. In addition this will also be the first show that is recorded for the podcast version so I will post an update when we get all that sorted so you can enjoy BH radio on the go, in the home, with friends or where ever good times are had.

Tonight's topics:

-Local events
-New Plastic Demons
-8th Edition
-Spearhead in review
-Product Review: new paints
-whats on the work bench
-Events:Brawl in the Hall

So tune in tonight at


BH Senior Editor

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kicking back: Tales of Violence and Unused vacation time

Let me start off with Bay Hammer radios finalized rescheduled time is this coming Friday at 6pm PST.

This week I have been taking it easy, working on my side projects and actually going out and breathing fresh air and getting some actual sunlight and on top of those little refreshers I have been getting a lot of solid game time in with D and the twins (the phantom and warlock) and its been a quite enjoyable experience honing my list for optimal titan killing power (even though last Sundays 10k apoc game lasted only 3hrs). Now I must explain something here, when D and myself play Apocalypse, its not so much to actually play the game as it is more of a 40k version of fight club where we beat the crap out of each other and see what works out best strategy wise.

In other news I have been working on a few side projects, chief among them being the Reaver but last week a friend of mine came to me with a Land Raider Terminus he wanted painted and being the ever curious type I accepted. Now feel free to call me cheesy at this point but I am doing up his SM as Storm Wardens, and again if you have not donated to the Storm Wardens charity (click the banner at the top of the page) then do so if you can, every little bit counts. So to wrap things up here's a quick snap of the Terminus.


BH Senior Editor

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bay Hammer Radio Tonight

Tonight's show is going to be a bit short, this is due to both having to come straight from work myself, and having to co host the Warhammer 8th Edition pre release party at legends in Cupertino. We will however still be going live tonight at 5:15 pm PST so don't forget to tune in for all the news and tips that you didn't get on BoLs.

Topics will include:
-Upcoming events
-Dark Eldar and Chaos Demons release dates
-Spearhead review and tactics
-Product review
-Whats on the work bench

and more.

So tune in and relax for another exciting installment of Bay Hammer Radio (Home of the Chaos Tyranids)

Hope to see you there

BH Senior Editor

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Legends hosts game Designer Matt Leacock

Ok so not so much a 40k or Fantasy post, but I will include some 40k in here. So today Bay Hammers game space host Legends Comics and Games hosted the demo and release of Matt Leacock's "Forbidden Island" for those of you not familiar with Matt's work I recommend checking out Pandemic or Pandemic on the brink (both of which he created and have since been adapted into flash games) I got to meet and talk with Mr Leacock briefly, a cool character with a outward nonchalance that I find refreshing in an industry who's money was made 10 years ago, and with so few designers actually connecting with their user base I find his new self promotion campaign a cool concept in the field of board games. And yes that is me on the left in the above picture.

Ok so now for the 40k bit I promised you. First off I would like to make a retraction of a previous statement regarding the new paint pots. A few weeks ago I was told that the boxed paint sets would contain the new pots, and until the current inventory of old style pots was sold, the only way to get the new pots would be through that set. Well GW did something sneaky and decided to completely scrap that idea and just release the new pots piecemeal over the next few months. Now adding on to that, Legends just received some of the new pots this week as shown above. This can only mean that the new pots are on their way out to retail stores now after making a brief appearance at GW stores.


BH Senior Editor